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Ah, unfortunately, because all of the ships are in the same file, I cannot use this in Godot Game Engine, as it imports the entire file and treats them all as one 3D object.  Are you able to export them as a .zip file of individual ships as .obj files?

For sure, I'll update the files within next 24 hours. Thank you for the feedback. I'll keep godot users in mind for the future.

Ooh, what is the license on this?  I have a mighty need.

Go wild man! You can use it however you want.

I would love it if you can mention my name or as rule of honor indicates make a small donation. But please feel free to give it life.

And just be sure to let me know if the product is in any-way playable. Would love to try my hands <3

I'll list you in the Credits as an Asset Creator, and I'll pay you $3 for the assets, plus let you know if/when my game becomes available.

Are you the best?

I've lost interest in putting things here because there was a lack of feedback and even though people were downloading assets they were not leaving any comments or encouragement behind.

would love to learn if you need any other models to use for your project, so I can make and upload them here for public usage. 

You've rekindled something.

Thank you.

Something that is sorely lacking in the "under $5" 3D Low-Poly Assets is UFOs and ships that are alien-looking in design, which could be used as UFOs.  I'm making a game that's an homage to X-Com, the UFO series, and Xenonauts, and I think having more spacecraft options would be good; not everything needs to look vaguely like an Earth-based aircraft.  As well, some helicopter-style dropships for troop transport would be good, especially with hollow space inside for character models.

Thank you for the answer!

Let me see if I can come up with something cool during weekend